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Saturday, December 23, 2006

At Night - without a flash, in Balboa Park

The other evening, I had a nice, early dinner in Balboa Park with a couple of close friends. After dinner, they had to take off to a Christmas party downtown, so I stayed in the park for awhile with my Canon S2 IS camera. It has a flash, of course, but I decided to take a few photos without using it; using just the natural available lighting, and this is what I got. The Christmas lights were there and beautiful, as you can see, but some of the best lighting came from some surprising sources. Take your camera out at night some time and forget the flash; there are a lot of other possibilities.

Again, as usual, these are straight from the camera, without any modification. You can also see the photos on my Yahoo Photo site here.

Have a Merry Christmas, everyone.

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